Great Online Public Speaker

Great Public Speaker



Hi, this is my first time writing a blog.. Here I'd like sharing to you my knowledge that I got from many webinars and amazing people around the world on how to become a great online public speaker. 


1. Handle Presentation by Yourself
Yes, when you becoming online public speaker, it's better for you to provide your own share screen for the materials. Thus, you can change the slide without saying "" which is very annoyed for some people. 


2. Eye Contact!
Using online platform doesn't mean you always see your presentation slide on your screen. It is important to see the camera on your phone/PC. So, your speech are going to look real towards your audience.


3. Give Pitch on Your Voice
Never give a speech with flat tone, it's boring. Sometimes you need to add high or low tone which contingent to the context.


4. No Filler!
Both online and offline public speaking, you need to talk clearly. Reduce the use of ''aaaa..'' or ''emm..'' which prove that you are not ready to be a public speaker.


5. Stop Sharing Screen when Interact with Participants
Lots of people never notice with this important part. Stop sharing your screen when you want to interact with your participants or during QnA session. Why it is important? Because interact need to engagement. It's mandatory for you to ask or answering the question from participants and see their face directly.

Well, that's all about the tips. Hopefully it will be useful for you to be better at least 1% everyday. Sharing your knowledge will lead you to get another knowledge in life. Remember that 'Sharing is caring'.


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